It's been quite a while... I have been so busy, but busy is good right. Kaitlynn is on dance team and she is everything I was to afraid to be. I'm so proud of her. Dance team is a family and I truly do enjoy being part of it. I love those girls and my new dance mom family:)
Rebekkah just went to outdoor school. I'm proud of her, she survived the week and may have even had a little fun too :) she will be in 7th grade next year... And is gonna do dance as well. I love my little dancers :)
Nathan and Zakary are busy being little boys, awnry as ever.. They are growing up so fast, too fast for mommy :)
I recently got in contact with some friends from long ago. We'd lost touch with our busy lives going in different direction. I am so happy to have these people back.. I can't describe it in words :) it's nice to hang out and catch up... See what the future holds :)
I will say you never know what to expect, or what may be around the corner... Life is an adventure full of so many things, love, loss, learning... I want to focus on what's ahead not dwell on the past... My future's looking pretty bright, I might need some shades :);))